November 13th, 2nd Sunday, 161st Church Anniversary, Communion Scripture: Romans 12: 4,5 Theme: Many Members, One Body Opening Scripture/Prayer Praise and Worship Word of the month: Merge/Emerge …
Sunday, November 6, 2022
October 30, 5th Sunday, 11am Unsung Ministry Day Service • Opening Scripture/Prayer • Praise and Worship Word of the month: Passion/Compassion ☆Upcoming October/November Events☆ - Sunday, October 30th 11am: Unsung…
October 23, 4th Sunday, 11am Youth Ministry Service • Opening Scripture/Prayer • Praise and Worship **October Announcements** ☆Upcoming October Events☆ - October 23rd: Pink Out for BRBC; everyone please wear…
October 16th, 3rd Sunday, 11am Service Opening Scripture/Prayer Praise and Worship **October Announcements** ☆We are still practicing covid practices wearing mask and social distancing☆ Word of the month: Passion/Compassion ☆Upcoming…
October 9th, 2nd Sunday, 11am Communion and Deacon Anniversary Service Opening Scripture/Prayer Praise and Worship Word of the month: Passion/CompassionSong(s) of Praise ☆ Scripture: Luke 13: 10-13☆ Topic: Jesus is…
October 2nd, 1st Sunday, 11am Service Opening Scripture/Prayer Praise and Worship **October Announcements** ☆We are still practicing covid practices wearing mask and social distancing☆ Word of the month: Passion/Compassion Song(s)…
September 11th, 2nd Sunday, 11am Communion Service Opening Scripture/Prayer Praise and Worship **September Announcements** Word of the month: Season/Reason Word of the month: Season/Reason ☆Upcoming September Events☆ - September 25th,…