March 13th, 2nd Sunday, 11am Communion Service
March 13th, 2nd Sunday, 11am Communion Service
Opening Scripture/Prayer
Praise and Worship
Song(s) of Praise
Sermon Scripture: Revelations 4:1-11
Topic: How Great is Our God
Resting In Glory vs 1,2Reflecting In Glory vs 3-6
Receiving All Glory vs 7-11
Key Thought: Rendering God Glory
**February Announcements**
Word of the month: Reset/Restart
☆Upcoming March Events☆
March 26, 27th: 25th Pastoral Anniversary Services:
Saturday, March 26th @ 4pm
Pastoral Anniversary Musical
Sunday, March 27th @ 11am
Pastor Chris Shipp 25th Anniversary
Speaker: Bishop JD Means
Colors: Royal Blue, Silver, White
How Great is Our God