July 30th, 5th Sunday Senior& Ministry Service
July 30th, 5th Sunday Senior’s Ministry Service 11am
Opening Prayer
Praise and Worship
Word of the month: Harmony/Humility; Peace is through Jesus
July/August Upcoming Events:
-5th Sunday, 30th11am: Senior& Ministry Day
-5th: BRBC Annual Church Clean-Up
-2nd Sunday, 13th 11am: Homecoming Service
– Wednesday-Friday, 16th – 18th 7pm:
◇ Scripture: Acts 2: 44-47
◇ Theme: Faith-Fellowship-Favor
▪︎ Wed: Pastor Kerwin Scott, Shiloh Baptist
▪︎ Thurs: Pastor Lillian Owens, Transformation Church
▪︎ Fri: Pastor Michael Benton, Mt Pleasant Baptist
-3rd Sunday, 20th;3pm:
Pastor Shipp preaching at
Central Holiness Church
1069 Washington St SW
Atlanta 30315
– 4th Sunday, 27th 3pm:
Pastor Shipp will be preaching at
New Growth Baptist
75 Greers Dairy Road
Covington, GA 30014
☆ Offertory Prayer/Tithes/Offering
• Song(s) of Praise
• Sermon: Reverend Andre Clanton
☆ Scripture: 1 Timonty 5:17
☆ Topic: Telling Our Story
☆ Key Thoughts: