Dec.12th, 2nd Sunday, 11am Service
December 12th, 2nd Sunday, 11am Service
Opening Scripture/Prayer
Praise and Worship
**December Announcements**
Word of the month: Hope/Help
**Parking Lot Pledge of $100 per person**
☆Upcoming December Events☆
-Christmas Service, December 19th, 3rd Sunday11am
🎂Happy Birthday Jesus, December 25th🎂
-Watch Night Service, December 31st, 5th Friday10pm
**Please keep the Sick/Shut-in and Bereaved Families in prayer**
Offertory Prayer/Tithes/Offering
Song(s) of Praise
☆ Scripture: Luke 2:8-20
Topic: The Season and Reason to Rejoice
Sign of His Promise: vs 8-12
Sound of His Praise: vs 13,14
Sight of His Presence: vs 15,16
☆Key Thought:
Sharing of His Proof: vs, 17-20
The Season and Reason to Rejoice