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Prayer Request


  • for the gracious and merciful God Almighty to please cause me to ascend into heaven today without a death in order to forever be with Jesus Christ. Thank you very much. Amen.
  • WSKX wsWJzila tYlXlRsP
  • May the Lord heal my body, including but not limited to my blood pressure, cholesterol, metabolism, insulin reception, endocrine system/hormones, liver, digestive system, circulatory system, gut, and brain – in fact, my whole body, mind, and emotions. May the Lord help me lose weight, and have a body that is pleasing to Him and healthy-looking and functioning, fit to be His temple. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
  • Hello. Please I need urgent fervent prayer for God to help me and to have mercy on me. I would appreciate any prayer. If anyone is willing please also continue to keep me in your prayers.
  • Pvt-no pub post-plz pray God bless my bro johnathan & hs wife with good health & kp thm in thr rt mind & thr is peace in johnathan home with his wife-johnathan & hs wife gt marry a fw mos ago & hs wife took early retiremnt due to her health issue-plz pray tht God grant johnathan favor & grace on his jobs & with a salary increase & gv hm strength to endure the unknw he has never bn marry before-i am trusting God for divine intervention in all thngs-plz keep us all in orayer-no calls no emails
  • Traveling mercy. To return home safely soon God bless everyone



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