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Exec Board

Exec Board

Pastor Christopher Shipp

Executive Board: Sr.Pastor Christopher Shipp
Executive Board: Responsible for articulating the church’s core mission and developing a strategy and plan to achieve it. Through a formal strategic planning process which includes development of a mission, vision and values statement as well as overseeing the development of operational goals that map out steps for achieving the mission.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Sr.Pastor Christopher Shipp

Bald Rock is a growing church and we welcome all
that want to mature in Christ and grow spritually with us.
The church is located in Rockdale County one of
the fastest growing counties in the United States
We are conveniently located and all roads lead to Bald Rock Baptist Church
Bible Study

Bible Study

Pastor Christopher Shipp

Bible Study : Sr. Pastor Christopher Shipp

Bible Study: To teach, explain, and discuss bible doctrine.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

 Sr. Pastor Christopher Shipp

Admin  Secretary

Admin Secretary

Sister Camille Albert

Administrative Secretary : Sister Camille Albert

Administrative Secretary

Participates in Executive Board and Church Conference meetings. Responsible for church correspondence, organization of meetings, and other program materials for the Church.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

 Sister Camille Albert

Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

Sis. Emma Ross

Pastoral Care Ministry: Sis. Emma Ross

Pastoral Care Ministry: Assist in the needs of the Pastor.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Sis. Emma Ross

Trustees & Finance

Trustees & Finance

Min. Ethel Gibson

Trustees & Finance Ministry: Min. Ethel Gibson
 Trustees & Finance Ministry: Maintain the integrity of church finances.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

 Min. Ethel Gibson



Christian Education

Christian Education

Min. Ethel Gibson

Christian Education :Min. Ethel Gibson

Christian Education: To train and assist all ministries and members in their Christian education.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Min. Ethel Gibson

Children Church

Children Church

Min. Ethel Gibson

Children Church Ministry : Min. Ethel Gibson
Children Church Ministry: To teach, explain, and discuss bible doctrine.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Min. Ethel Gibson

Women Ministry

Women Ministry

Rev. Dr. Phillis Hatcher

Women Ministry : Rev. Dr. Phillis Hatcher
Women Ministry : To uplift and support the women through the word of God, spiritually and nurture the young women, and to do outreach.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Rev. Dr. Phillis Hatcher

Men Ministry

Men Ministry

Bro. Charles Wingate

Men Ministry: Bro. Charles Wingate
Men Ministry: Support the Sr. Pastor in community outreach, mentor the young men of the church, and maintain church facilities and property.

 Bro. Charles Wingate

Mothers Ministry

Mothers Ministry

Mother Geneva Henderson


Mothers Ministry: Mother Geneva Henderson
Mothers Ministry: Support the Sr. Pastor in preparation for communion, baptism, and provide guidance to the younger women of the church.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Mother Geneva Henderson

Seniors Ministry

Seniors Ministry

Mother Effie Stroud

Seniors Ministry: Mother Effie Stroud

Seniors Ministry: Provide support to the sick and shut-in and community outreach.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Mother Effie Stroud

Gospel Choir

Gospel Choir

Sis. Shiquita Morris

Gospel Choir: Sis. Shiquita Morris

Gospel Choir: Magnify the Lord in song and lead the church in worship.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Sis. Shiquita Morris

Teens/Youth Ministry

Teens/Youth Ministry

Sister Shiquita Morris

Teens/Youth Ministry : Sister Shiquita Morris
Teens/Youth Ministry: To to inspire and aid in developing our

teenage girls and boys into young men and women who possess

purpose, power, respect, and value.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Sister Shiquita Morris

Ushers Ministry

Ushers Ministry

Sis. Emma Ross

Ushers Ministry: Emma Ross

Ushers Ministry: Welcome everyone into the house of the Lord  and assist them as needed in their worship experience. 

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Sis. Emma Ross

Deacons Ministry

Deacons Ministry

Dea. Freddie Ross

Deacons Ministry :Dea. Freddie Ross

Deacons Ministry: Carry out the vision of the Sr. Pastor and minister to the needs of members

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Dea. Freddie Ross

Sunday School

Sunday School

Min. Ethel Gibson

Sunday School : Min. Ethel Gibson
Sunday School: To teach, explain, and discuss bible doctrine.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

 Min. Ethel Gibson

Male Chorus

Male Chorus

Bro. Charles Wingate

Male Chorus: Bro. Charles Wingate
Male Chorus: Magnify the Lord in song and lead the church in worship.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Bro. Charles Wingate

Teen/Youth Choir

Teen/Youth Choir

Sis. Lawonda Stroud

Youth Choir : Sis. Lawonda Stroud
Teen/Youth Choir: Magnify the Lord in song and lead the church in worship.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Sis. Lawonda Stroud

Dance Ministry

Dance Ministry

Sis. Lawonda Stroud

Dance Ministry : Sis. Lawonda Stroud
Teen/Youth Choir:  Dance Ministry is dedicated to worshiping the Lord through the art of dance. We seek to glorify God in all aspects of our lives and  dancing is another way in which to please God. Psalms 150:4 Praise Him with the timbrel and dance.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Sis. Lawonda Stroud

Courtesy Ministry

Courtesy Ministry

Sis. Cynthia E. Barnes


Courtesy Ministry : Sis. Cynthia Easley Barnes
 Courtesy Ministry: Meet and greet members and visitors. Work with new membership.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Sis. Cynthia Easley Barnes

Hospitality Ministry

Hospitality Ministry

Sis. Janice King


Hospitality Ministry :Sis. Janice King

Hospitality Ministry:Organize dinner functions for anniversaries and funerals.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Sis. Janice King

 Bald Rock Baptist Church
2284 Old Covington Road
Conyers, Ga 30013
(770) 929-3421

Sound Ministry

Sound Ministry

Bro. Charles Wingate


Sound Ministry : Bro. Charles Wingate
Sound Ministry:Setup all sound and microphone support for each service.

Bald Rock Baptist Church

Bro. Charles Wingate